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Old 12-13-2010, 05:10 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Southwest Arkansas
Posts: 516

I am so glad there are good people in this world. I was at the grocery store and as I was getting in my car I saw this man staring at me. I hurried up as it was getting dark and not many cars in the parking lot. I pulled out onto the street and looked in my rearview mirror and he was behind me. Every turn I made he was there. I drove faster and faster to get home. I turned down my street which is a dead end and he was there. Pulled into the driveway, left the groceries in the car and ran into the house, my heart almost beating out of my chest. I hurriedly told my husband between breaths "Man following me". He went out the door and I went to the window in time to see the man hand my husband my purse I had left in the shopping cart. Boy did I feel stupid.
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