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Old 12-13-2010, 09:33 AM
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Originally Posted by LaurieE
Do you want us to post our blocks here as we get them done?
That sounds like a good idea, so we can all get an idea what we're working with and what is needed. Great idea, Laurie. Hope I get my new camera figured out, lol, now that I've said that. :mrgreen:
Gwyn, what a wonderful idea, and thank you so much for making us aware that Cathy passed.
I used to be all over the board but things changed a lot this year for me.
Blue and white are great colors, not only for two 'guys', but seems like nice colors to put stars on.
Do you want our board names on them, or just embellish the block?
I have to get my thinking cap on.
I do remember adriansmom, but was unable to keep up and didn't know she was sick. I can't help it, I'm getting all misty now, thinking about her and little Adrian, and Dad, bringing up a four year old alone, and it's Christmas time.
Ok, gonna focus on the blocks, it's a wonderful idea and if you need sashing, border fabric, etc. just holler.
I think I'll do two blocks, one for Dad's quilt and one for Adrian's, a little more boyish and whimsical perhaps.
I'd kind of like to put a face on Adrian's star, kind of like his mom shining in the sky, watching over him. I'm wondering if putting a board name on the block will seem like that is who the star is?
I mean to a four year old. Well, he probably can't read yet.
Maybe I'll put: by Mousie near a corner of the block.
What do you think? I need your input. Your so good at these things! Teach this mouse how to turn out the lovelies that you do!
Is that teachable, lol? ;-)
Mousie hugs and blessings to you, sweets! :-D
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