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Old 12-13-2010, 01:26 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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When we got married (in December) my MIL sent a check for $100. It was clearly stated that $25 was meant for Pat for the wedding and $25 for me. The other was $25 for Pat for CHristmas and $25 for me.

Shortly after, she sent a very rude letter and I took the check, ripped it up, taped it to a note that read "put it where the sun don't shine" or something like that. Hm, and I wonder why we didn't get along. lol

My favorite gift from Pat - oh, I've gotten so many doozies over the years that we have a "no gift" rule for the most part. The man is always confused about my age and I either get something that is more suited to a 16 year-old or a 75 year-old. At 52, I am somewhere between there AND I don't need ruffles on the hips.
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