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Old 12-15-2010, 02:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Shari1967
Originally Posted by sassycat2sew
This year we put CHRIST back in Christmas, and things couldn't be better.
Will you share what you did or have done differently?
We've made this more of a year to focus on Christ as well. Not that we don't always but yes, unfortunately He does sometimes get lost in the shuffle.
I can answer that some for you. For me it had been coming on for years. I watched as people went out and bought gifts expecting even bigger and more expensive gifts back in return. Always letting the recipient KNOW what they expected in return.And tho those recipients had already stated they were not participating in gift exchanges, due to finances , they have bills and children and child relatives, they would only buy for the children. The Giver chose to ignore and then made a big deal of how the person wouldn't even return a gift card for some expensive restaurant they liked to eat at, when others paid for the meal. Christmas is a wonderful Holiday, I agree!! A time to remember that Jesus was born, to take away our sins. We rejoice in this, we who beleive. It is not a time of looking for gifts from people, and or Expecting a big return for a gift given, when the person normally can't even speak of a good word to say about someone any other given day. These people I don't want around me because of their I am no.1 and and perfect attitudes to start with. So I don't want them sharing my time to remember what Christmas is really about and destroying the day for me or my family, while whining about those who did not give what they expected in return. They shpuld have taken their money from these gifts they purchased and just gone out and bought the gifts THEY WANTED TO START WITH!!
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