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Old 12-16-2010, 08:25 AM
ckp11271's Avatar
Join Date: Aug 2010
Location: Montrose, MN
Posts: 98

Originally Posted by ginnie6
I can't stand getting in bed at night cause they're catching on the sheets. They've never been this bad before. I used to go barefoot year round and had smooth feet but now can't do it. The rocks outside got harder and my feet get cold in the winter! I think its all this shoe wearing that's made them so rough! What do you do for yours? I told dh last night as I sat there with an emery board trying to get them to the point that I could cover up that I thought I was going to get one of those ped eggs today...he said there was some new thing out (can't remember what its called now though) that I should try instead.
I have one of the ped eggs, and LOVE it! I use it at least once a week in the winter, and follow it up with Gold Bond Ultimate Healing cream (very thick-looks like Crisco). It works so well that dh noticed and started using the ped egg on his own calloused tootsies!

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