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Old 12-17-2010, 07:21 AM
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Originally Posted by Nancy in Louisiana
Last evening the mailman brought me a wonderful surprise from KimmieH -- thank you so much, Kim. I have a great pattern for a "Potato Chip Bag" (a betcha-can't-make-just-one pattern, and I already started one), a notepad with quilt picture (which, like my fabric, I will hate to use because it's so nice and I like to look at it), four great fat-quarters (and yes, Kim, they are wild enough! In fact, I actually cut one for the potato chip bag), and candy cane ornaments for my tree (which is done in red and white theme, so they look right at home). I'm very excited about all of the things you sent,Kim, and they really helped brighten up a very gray and overcast day as well as inspire me to turn on the sewing machines once again. Your thoughtfulness is very much appreciated.
Love that blue (but then I'm partial to blues) and also that dotted one. Nice and bright colors to cheer up your day.
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