Old 12-17-2010, 10:48 AM
Junior Member
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: San Diego, CA
Posts: 132

We'll we had our gift exchange early this year and it went very well. For a man who could win the lotto and not even crack a smile, he sure did seam to like the quilt. According to my mom, he talked about it a lot on their long drive home and said he is eager for spring, so he can show it off at a car show. He claims it's not fair to give it to him in winter. . . like getting a new bike for Christmas when there is 3 feet of snow outside and has to wait for months to take that first ride! I've been walking on clouds since this weekend with such joy that (1) I like the outcome of the quilt and (2) brought a smile to his face and made his day! I love giving away quilts that are appreciated!!!!!!!!
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