Old 12-17-2010, 07:21 PM
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Originally Posted by QuiltnCowgirl
Did you know you were quilting with me last night? Yes - all of you. I was working on my current project last night & with it being the first quilt that I am binding, rather than sewing envelope style, I had lots of questions & some problems.

First problem I encountered was that I discovered I did not have enough fabric for my backing. So, I rushed over to the computer, did a search here for pieced backings, got some great ideas from you, and pieced my backing to my liking.

Then, I found that the piece of Warm & Natural batting I had was not wide enough. (are you seeing a common theme here? Note to self: buy extra!) No problem, searched again, found out how you have pieced backing together, followed your instructions & my batting was perfect.

Then, ready to start sandwiching my quilt top, batting, and backing, I searched again, made note of your tips and techniques, and armed with my can of Basting Spray (my new best friend!), I basted my quilt together! Easy peasy! What was I so afraid of?

Tonight I will be doing the quilt stitching & binding, so stop on by if you would like to quilt with me again. Hopefully I will have some pictures posted on Friday.

So, thank you for being there with me last night. Oh, and in case you didn't realize it, you pulled an all nighter. We were so into quilting that we didn't go to bed until 4am!
Your mail hit the nail right on the head! You have all been so helpful to me- the last quilt that I quilted myself came out so much better with all of your help. Thanks everyone!
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