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Old 12-18-2010, 11:41 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: eastern NC
Posts: 1,216

Originally Posted by bopeep
Those are B E A U T I F U L ! ! !
I Love making them...but they do use up a lot of pins.....
Funny story....I had a picture of some I made on fb......a cousin that I haven't seen in years....(she lives half way across the US from me)......she said she had some of these on her Christmas tree that she made years is that for Great minds thinking alike.......
You are going to make a lot of people very very Happy !!!!!!!
Bless Your Heart :)
I just had to add sister went to a Christmas shop on the coast of NC and saw some of these...they were selling them for.....$30.00 each..............
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