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Old 12-18-2010, 04:09 PM
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Join Date: May 2008
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While I was being taken at one walmart a good friend was having the same thing happen to her at another walmart! Her problem is much more serious as she had her pin number on her ATM card and they almost cleaned her out! $4,000 gone and the bank says too bad. It's not our problem! Never, never put you pin on a card or on a paper with your card!

I went into the police station today for the official report. They asked nothing more than I already told them. I asked them what happens next. I was told the credit card company does the investigation and then they ask the police for help if needed!
What good does it do to look at security tapes if they don't even know what I look like? I didn't even have to sign anything, I just wasted 1 1/2 hour getting a paper with a number!

I don't have to pay anything for transactions I did not make. The stores, in this case, Walmart and CVS, end up not getting paid by the credit card company so they are stuck passing it on to all of us.

The stories on TV are just used if it's a slow news day! Most stories don't get any publicity.

Once years ago I let my daughter use the card and it was stolen. Lots of expensive tennis shoes were charged. She went to the store and they didn't even spell the name right when they signed the slip!

Another time someone called the cc co and changed my address and requested new cards. They cheerfully complied and sent them new cards. They were quite surprised when I called saying I didn't get a bill and found out I never moved! My credit report shows I used to live in Chicago but I never did.

Another time I used the card at a going out of business sale and I guess someone saved a copy with info.
They put gas on the card and since at that time I never put gas on a card they canceled the card.

This has all been over 30 years but still...
I always pay in full every month so they never make a dime off me! They think I'm wonderful! I love this credit card company but I don't know why they don't drop me!
Clerks are just going to have to take a minute and LOOK at the signature and if it doesn't match ask for other identification!

Thanks for the good wishes all. I am calmer today but still highly irritated at crooks!

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