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Old 12-19-2010, 08:01 AM
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My inexpensive iron I've had for almost 20 years finally konked out a couple weeks ago and I've had a terrible time finding a replacement for it. I actually bought 3 different irons at different stores trying to find something that would suit me. I'm not picky...I just want an iron that I don't have to spend a fortune on that will not drag on the fabric or the holes aren't too big so they don't catch on the fabric. How hard can that be right??

Well, these 3 irons I bought were terrible and I ended up taking them back. They were not $100 irons, but they weren't $7 either. I figured one of them would be good. Wrong!

I was on Ebay the other day looking for my iron that konked out and thought I'd never find one like it because it's so old, but I did!! I couldn't believe it!! It was a "Buy Now" NIB item and they wanted a reasonable price for the iron but the shipping was very high. This is not a heavy iron and not very big so I emailed the seller and asked if they would take a little less for the iron since the shipping was high. They emailed back with a counter price and I accepted. Then I didn't hear anything back for a couple days. I was getting ready to contact them again because I wanted to pay for it when I got an email from them saying they had sold it to someone else :(

I was ticked!! They could have contacted me and said they had another offer and ask me if I was still interested. To me, that's a poor way to do business. I'm even very careful what the sellers rating is when I consider something to buy. I look at their rating and how much they've sold. This particular seller was rated at 100% and had sold several thousands of items!!!

In the end I went to Walmart and bought a $7 iron that I like very much...go figure.

Thanks for letting me vent :)
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