Thread: Stolen packages
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Old 12-21-2010, 06:16 PM
Ramona Byrd
Super Member
Join Date: May 2009
Location: Merced, CA
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I even stopped my daily newspaper because someone stole it 5 out of 7 days weekly.
I had lost several newspapers and then did like most of my family tries to do..don't get mad, get even.
So very, very early one morning I got up and carefully opened the paper, inserted a note and then did it up again in the plastic covering. Sure enough, it was gone, but after that none were ever missing!!! On the note it said.
On any day, or more in the future that I choose, this newspaper might explode with the RED DYE used in bank thefts. One of my friends is a local cop and said he will provide me with this dye. It will take a long time to remove it from your face and any exposed skin, and will most likely give you a bad allergic reaction.
Signed..without any love at all, the true owner of this paper.
Soon after that a friend about 2 blocks from me complained that she had seen an older lady? walking a fat little dog, letting it crap all over the lawn without cleaning it up but picking up a neighbor's newspaper and tucking it under her arm.
She never got mine again though.
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