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Old 12-21-2010, 07:05 PM
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Originally Posted by Lneal
The problem is me :D She picked out the pattern, told me both husband and herself decided they wanted me to make the quilt. The cost is not an issue, so I am assuming it is the choice for handmade. But why do I feel so guilty about charging this much?
I use top quality material and they are willing to pay the price. Maybe I will feel better once I have given them the estimate and find out their reaction. Which I am sure it will be to make the quilt :D :D
You are feeling guilty, because like a lot of us, you under value your time and talent. They made a conscious decision to have you make them a quilt. That is a testament to the value of your talent from where they sit. If they could make it themselves, they would not have asked you. If they wanted cheap, they know where to look. They want to treasure your talent and art. LET THEM! Make sure you add a nice label for posterity. It sounds like one of your quilts is headed for a future 'Antiques Roadshow'. That ain't a bad thing. You know, this officially makes you a 'fiber artist'. Applause! Applause! :thumbup:
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