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Old 12-21-2010, 08:03 PM
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Originally Posted by olebat
Funny, the things that pop into my head from out of no where. A little melody that we sang as children. I think it was a sea shanty. It began, "Who's that knocking at my door? Who's that knocking at my door?"

Then, when someone came to visit, they would say "knock,knock" and we'd say, "Who dat?" and they'd say, "Who dat??" and we'd say, "Who dat, who say who dat, when I say who dat?" (Yea ya right - I'm from Newalins,)

Anyway, I now realize that was a code amongst sewers, assuring that the caller was a friendly. The QP wouldn't be wise to anything that ludicrous, now would they? It's sew simple. They will either ring the bell or rap on the door with their basting gun. The mail man rings twice, the horses go clompty-clomp as they gallop by, UPS will toot the horn when they deliver those huge bundles of bail quarters, and friendly quilters just keep talking. What's to fear?
Noooowww you tell me about the secret knock! Where were you when I got nabbed? :?:
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