Thread: jukie 98qe
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Old 10-30-2008, 05:52 PM
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Originally Posted by twistedstitcher
I have much better luck if I use a topstitching needle, it has a larger eye so less friction on the thread. And make sure to change the needle often. You may need to use more than one needle on a large quilt.

Don't be afraid to change the bobbin tension if necessary. I usually have to experiment a little on each quilt before I get it just right. And keep the machine clean...take the bobbin case out and clean underneath in case there's lint clogging things up.
I have a Juki too. I have to agree about cleaning it often and changing the needle often. I don't use a frame (hope to get one someday),but the last quilt I was quilting was driving me crazy. The thread shredded or I had knots on the bottom. After I changed to needle all was well. Could of saved myself lots of frustration if I would have changed it right away. Silly me.

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