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Old 12-24-2010, 08:55 PM
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... and the same to you and all my QB friends.

We are to get snow too, about 1 foot by Sunday afternoon beginning Christmas day. Yippee!!! I have not had snow falling on Christmas day since I was a kid oh so long ago. I too believe it must be falling and not just on the ground to be a truly white Christmas. I think I shall get out the sled, wax the skids, and have a go down the driveway (about a 9-12% grade with a great curve in the middle that has a nice bump in it (yes, I still do this at my age. Usually around 6:00 am is the best time as no tracks have been made and I can hoop and holler to my hearts content)). Eeehaw!!! Maybe a walk along the river trail if it isn't too icey. Should be beautiful.
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