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Old 12-26-2010, 08:10 AM
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Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Pacific NW
Posts: 649

Originally Posted by skothing
Originally Posted by Nolee
I'll join too. I'll quit the one on Yahoo groups and join this one because the whole layout of this site is so much more user friendly than Yahoo.

Thanks for starting this.
As I am a bit shy I'll try to explain my reasoning behind this group. I am swimming in fabric I give it to my church and to others in need.I still have about 7,000 yards in my stash. I am planning to sell some on e bay and try to down size. Yes I make about 12 quilts a year and give them away. I have 2 myself. When I have offered to give away fabric to friends I've noticed something unpleasant. I see greed and a grabbing onto everything of any worth by a few people. The hoarding spirit is not a good vision to see in ones friends. Then to see garage sales of beautiful fabric being sold for a quarter a yard by the deceased quilters family made me sick at my stomach. So I ask myself before I buy for my stash is it worth 25 cent at my death? I know not all my fabric will make it into quilts. So unless I am going to use it in a weeks time I am saying no.
I too have seen those estate sales where it all goes for a pittance. I think some people start hoarding and then fall into denial. I have a friend that spends several hundred dollars each trip to the LQS. She's bought an expensive long arm machine, kits, purse patterns, etc. She's made exactly TWO quilts in 9 years. I love her and not a sweeter person exists but there comes a time where you have to see the situation for what it really is.
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