Thread: Whats next?
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Old 12-26-2010, 04:18 PM
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Upstate NY
Posts: 21

Originally Posted by Aquarius
Well, a friend of my daughter's has asked me to make a couple of small quilts for her two boys out of their old and outgrown baby clothes. Do you know how hard it is to cut up baby clothes? I keep looking at some of the small jeans and pants and thinking, Oh, what a shame. Some other little girl or boy could be getting good use out of these. But they are not mine to give away so I guess I will be cutting them up. I will probably just make a crazy quilt with them. I hope she likes it.
My niece just made a quilt with her son's baby clothes and it was so cute. She appliqued the t-shirts, onesie's, sleepers, pants onto big squares while they were still whole, she didn't cut them up
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