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Old 12-27-2010, 12:24 PM
Join Date: Nov 2010
Location: Michigan
Posts: 1,455

ditto...............but I only let him on the weekends. I am a stay at home mom and contracted quilter so I don't work weekends. So he does all of the chores on the weekends. What a good hubby. He family thinks I am mean for letting him do it. What they don't understand is I can't stop him and it is easier to let him than fight with him. I do all of the work during the week and he thinks the hot meals and clean house is worth him cleaning up on the weekends if needed. I personally would let most of it wait until monday while he is at work but he doesn't like to leave me with a lot to hubby I could ask for. :-)
Originally Posted by carolaug
My husband cooks, cleans, mows, cleans the car, loves to go food shopping, snowblower, trash, dump, cleans toilets, laundry. Pretty much everything...I do ask him not to put stuff in the dryer or fold clothes and he does not like to sweep...but he vacuums...I have no complaints except when he cleans my sewing room...looks great but I can't find a thing, and he does tend to buy the same foods...unless I give him a list and a recipe.
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