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Old 12-27-2010, 04:22 PM
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Originally Posted by ssnare
Here is information on the autograph blocks: We all make 4 autograph blocks and 1 for ourselves – a total of 5. We sign our name, forum name, where you are from, the group name & activity and date. (you can add or subtract whatever info you want, it's up to you what you include). After filling out what you want to put on your blocks, keep one for yourself, then send the rest with your row. Everyone should take one at the time they work on your row. The rest are sent on with your row onto the next, until your row & blocks have passed through everyone and you get your row home again, minus your autograph blocks. We will end up with signature blocks signed by all of us to go with our quilts. There are all kinds of autograph blocks. Quilters cache has some, or check the internet for the block patterns. It really is endless. We will be taking one each,for us to keep. These accompany the row we are working on.

Then you include a label that has as an example:

Row Robin 2011 hosted by Bookworm
*3's a Charm*
Row 1 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 2 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 3 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 4 (completed by): ( name, date, location)
Row 5 (completed by): ( name, date, location)

I hope this makes sense. The autograph blocks and label can be any shape or size you choose to go with your theme or whatever you choose. Use a black pigma pen or send one with your row.
Thanks for the info. When you have yours done, maybe you could post a pic. In the meantime, I will follow your suggestions and check out those sites.
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