Old 12-27-2010, 09:43 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: A Hop from Heaven, a Skip from Sanity and a Jump from the Good Life....
Posts: 6,665

LuvTooQuilt is hosting another swap!!! …….10 1/2" layer cake Stash Buster Swap,

Registration is open to the first 36 members or until 16 Jan, whichever comes first.

***** The THEME this month is: Stash Busters ******

Each swapper will submit 12 squares of 1 (one) UN-washed fabric design from your stash- that’s right from your very own stash ! Send in whatever you want to send in – Any 100% unwashed cotton fabric will do, but not limited to: Calicos, Batiks, solids, Oriental, novelty, seasonal...

Squares should be carefully rotary cut from UN-washed 100% cotton fabric. Keep in mind that your squares could end up in a child's quilt. Select fabrics that will hold up to a lot of love, wear, tear, draggin', cuddlin', washing, and trips through the dryer. Fabrics that fray easily, or that are fairly easy to see through are probably not good candidates for this swap

Please be advised that squares that are not square, or those that are not the right size, will be returned unswapped. If you are unsure of your accuracy, over-sized squares will be accepted as they can be cut down to size if needed be... This swap I will be firm and I WILL return the ones that are not between 10 1/4in & 10 1/2 inches as most of us will be using them for 10in layer cake projects...

Here’s how it works:

In your packet to me you will enclose:

1 gallon size ziplock bag with 12 ct – 10 1/2 inch squares of ONE fabric

~ Fabric must be UN -washed, ironed and in ziplock bags for safe passage thru USPS

INCLUDE your screen name ON your ziplock bag along with SET amounts you are doing.

***Example- I would like to do two sets so, written legibly with a sharpie marker or pen, on each of my two Ziploc bag will have:

luvTooQuilt X2

(you may also include, but not mandatory, your real name, mailing address- should your envelope be swallowed by the USPS machines for identification purposes- an adhesive return label perhaps.?. )
~ It is aprox less than 1 yard per 12ct – 10.5 inch squares.
~There are no limits to amount of sets you wish to submit***
~Please remember that each set should be cut from a different unwashed fabric.
~ I can squeeze 5-6 sets in ONE priority flat rate envelope- addt’l sets will need addt’l postage..
~ Please staple/tape a piece of your fabric on the outside of the baggie...****

***4 sets mean that you would send 12 ct – 10 1/2inch squares from FOUR different fabrics for a total of 48 squares each in separate gallon size Ziploc bags

**** A piece of your fabric is required on the outside of the individual baggie... this will help me remember who sent in what... I hope to have ALOT of sets coming in this swap and this was quite useful for me in the Batik swap... ALSO I am requesting a group of sample pieces of each of the fabric pieces being sent in as well... Some of you staples the pieces to a small piece of cardboard with an addt’l addy label- That was perfect… the ones that were sent in were aprox 2x3 tiny strips pieces from your leftover fabric.. Its my goal NOT top give you back your fabric square…

Also in your package INCLUDE a self adhesive return address label, and return priority postage. ($4.95) Should you require delivery confirmation- highly recommended- an additional $.70 is required. Concealed cash would be wonderful, but not required, as my dinky Post Office could use the revenue BUT you may send concealed cash, postage stamps or PO money order. Please remember that if you do not send enough return postage I will hold them until you send the difference. After 30 days, I will donate the unclaimed squares to charity. (PM me for international info)

I would like to have these in hand no later than 1/24/2011 (so with a post mark no later than 1/17/2011 that should give the USPS ample time to deliver them to me plus a day or two grace period.) International members need to send them to me sooner- PM for details

Please remember that any packages received after 1/24/2011 will be automatically returned unswapped.

I will then sort Jan 25th-29 and hope to mail out squares on 1/31/2011(but no later than 2/1/2011)

Please PM me:
Board name,
How many sets you're doing
aprox when you plan ship your package
Your real name
Your mailing address
so I can add you to the list and send you my mailing address.


Any questions please pm me... I'll be happy to assist...
Happy quilting everyone.
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