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Old 12-28-2010, 08:09 AM
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Originally Posted by dgmoby
One other might explain, someday when it's comfortable chatting with the kids, that each house (mommy & daddy's) has different rules. If they're confused, or not sure, please ask - you'll be happy to clarify. Explain it like, 'If someone is ill or needs to use the bathroom, you're certainly allowed to get up and go...but not to play for 30 minutes when we're supposed to be trying to go to sleep.' and 'It's always OK to wake me up when you're sick - that's what I'm here for! I want to know if you're sick so I can help you.' or any other real situations you can think of. They will understand then, and more with time, that each house has separate guidelines and daddy's is not matter WHO says it is. I find kids can (and do) understand and get used to these ideas very quickly.

(And maybe this is a rule in their own house, and they simply ASSUMED it was in your's as well? Maybe it's mommy's rule after all?)

Just a thought...
Debbie in Austin
As the mother of step-children (thank goodness they're all grown up!!!)....this is the best advice. Children assume things -- get confused -- need reassurance. Given this is the first time for major sick all over the place, now they'll know it's okay. It's hard, I feel for you, but keep reassuring them.....they'll feel more comfortable after time.
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