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Old 12-28-2010, 08:18 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: London, Ontario, Canada
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You guys rock!
There have been so many posts with tips on solving thread tension problems and up until now, I haven't used them because my babies have been running fine.
Until last night.
I was trying some test blocks with new FMQ designs and my Janome 6260 wasn't having any of it. Stitching forward was ok, bt when I tried to go backwards, the fabric was sticking, the tension was wonky and I was getting loops on the bottom, not always, but every 1/2" or so.
First I cleaned my machine. Then I put a drop of oil in the oil well in the bobbin area, which I didn't know existed until someone mentioned it here.
No better. So, I changed the bobbin , and new bobbin thread.
No better. So I changed the needle. No better. So I changed the top thread. No better. So, I fiddled with the top tension, No better. So, I went to bed.
This morning, in better light, I noticed that there was a burr on the hole in the needle plate. So, I burnished it flat with a screwdriver. No better. At this point I was considering a service call, but lately there have been posts saying that cost > $200 , which frankly, is not in the budget.
So I pulled out the bobbin carrier and set to clean it down there again. Then I saw it! On the outside of the plastic (!!???) bobbin carrier, there were two scratches, and some burrs. So I used the open blade of a scissor to smooth that out and Presto! It's fixed! Janey is running like her old perfect self again . Yahoo!
Thanks to you guys, you gave me the confidence to keep at it until I got it fixed. Thankyou!!
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