Old 12-28-2010, 12:24 PM
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Originally Posted by quiltmaker
Originally Posted by IrishNY
I can see all sides of this discussion. A few thoughts:

Just because I know the work that goes into a handmade gift doesn't mean that I can expect that the recipient does.

I don't feel an obligation to receive a handmade gift with any more joy than a store bought gift if it's not 'me'. I certainly will say the right things and be appreciative but if someone made me a BT, I would not feel obligated to carry it just because they thought (wrongly) I wanted

I give quilts sparingly to those I think will really enjoy them. And I work hard to factor in their color preferences and use fabric that represents them as best I can. But once I give it, it's theirs and I don't waste another minute worrying about if they will use it or love it the way I want them to.

My $.02 (and probably worth less) :wink: :wink:

Oh how I agree with you. I will add another probably not so welcome point.....why do people have to constantly whine about their disappointments.....it gets so depressing to hear them...yes, I know I don't have to read them but somehow I look hoping some reason will come into the conversation. I thought this board was to be about the joy of quilting and learning from each other. There are so many posts about unhappiness over so many things that people have no control over that it truly is amazing to me. Sometimes I think this has become a place for people to vent out all their frustrations in their lives and what pleases and displeases them that the joy and love of quilting or creating whatever they do is a burden to them and think they might re-evaluate their priorities in life.

Truly I am not trying to offend anyone but it does make one pause and think.
WOW, really??? this is the second time today that I have seen you say "Truly I am not trying to offend anyone"; you have done just that. Seriously, you said it yourself....you dont have to read the sad, lonely, upset, depressing stories. This QB is the only way some people can talk about things troubling them. If you read more of these topics, you will see many people helping others with the topic of Quilting. Have a heart!!
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