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Old 12-29-2010, 08:58 AM
All Thumbs
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Perhaps it is a hang over from childhood when Mom taught me that idol hands brought trouble. I just plain get nervous if I am not doing something even if that means housework, cooking or sewing. DH claims I do not know how to relax and maybe so but look what is being created and the children those charity quilts help! It is my way to give back.

DH reads, watches sport, weather and nature on the tv so I head to my sewing room. I am blessed with having a DH who prides himself in getting me everything I need in supplies and equipment, including a beautiful room where I can leave my projects out from day-to-day. In fact, there are days when I feel guilty that since retirement I have so much when so many have so little.

Getting a lot accomplished also comes from belonging to a couple quilting groups. There is nothing better than showing ones work to those who appreciate quilting. And my biggest help is that I never agree to make more than one person a quilt in a specific time frame. Quilting must be my hobby.
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