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Old 12-29-2010, 10:08 AM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Broadway, Shenandoah Valley, VA
Posts: 478

Originally Posted by moreland
Perhaps it is partly dependent upon where we are on the time line of life. I did not even begin seriously to quilt until after I had retired from my regular job. I used to spend a lot of time reading, but find I use most of that time now to be at the sewing machine.
I used to spend much of my retired time reading. Now I'm at the sewing machine, too. I don't go to the Book Club anymore...was once such an avid reader they thought I'd really contribute to the group. Well, then the quilting thing came into my life and there goes the Book Club. They just don't understand!
So here I am, typing away on a quilting board and then I'll go to the sewing room and continue my project. Life is good.
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