Thread: Alzheimers
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Old 12-29-2010, 08:51 PM
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Originally Posted by MTS
Call the local AZ chapter in your city and ask for recommendations for a Neurologist and/or a Geri-Psychiatrist, who specializes in Dementia.
That would be a good place to start. DMIL lived with us for 7 years, having what was called Lewie Bodys dementia with Parkinsons symptoms, just a for under the umbrella of dementia. I read the book "The 36 hour Day" about care giving. Find a support group, they will all share experiences and be able to tell you about resources. In my state there was grant monies for respite care, a Godsend. DH and I took off for a few days a few times and also used it when DD graduated from college.
When she would say "my slippers are in room 3" I knew she was back in the country hotel where she grew up. Alz. is an acceptance disease, some people try to correct but that is futile. There were days she would say she was kidnapped, she was perfectly fine and just take her home.
At times she was lucid and would say to me "I'm sorry to put you through all this" and I would just reply, "we all need help now and then" she didn't need to know it was 24/7.
Along with the locks suggested, we put a high latch on the cellar doorway so she wouldn't fall down the stairs, we also turned off the circuitbreaker to the stove at night. It got so we had to put a child lock on the 'fridge as she would forget to close the door.
Hugs, deep breath, and lots of patience. It looks like many are here to help.

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