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Old 12-30-2010, 04:26 AM
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I belong to two guilds. One is about 12 miles from my home and meets twice a month in the evening. They started out in homes but have now grown to a little more than 100 members. Their dues are $24 a year. The dues are needed to pay for renting the meeting place, mailing out newsletters to those without computer access, speakers etc. They have two huge retreats every year as well as a fund raising Quilt Bingo. They also have a quilt show every other year. They have light refreshments donated by members at the first meeting of the month. They also have show and tell every month. The members range in experience from first time quilters to long time ones like myself.

The second guild I belong to is at least 40 miles from my home. They meet in the daytime and always have a wonderful pot luck lunch. They meet once a month and not durring July or August. Their dues are now $30 a year. They have speakers, show and tell and several retreats. They also have to pay rent for the meeting venue. The membership also consists of all levels of skill and experience. It is becoming more of a chore for me to attend that meeting because of the drive through morning traffic around Baltimore. I like the ladies there as they are more laid back than my other guild. The pot luck is always great. They haven't had a quilt show in 10 years but they do have a Quilt Bingo once a year and most recently a Tea as a fund raiser.
Many guilds have smaller groups called Bees. They are usually a few ladies from the guild who get together at least once a month durring the daytime and just chat and work on portable projects. I belong to one that is usually no more than 5 ladies. We meet at a local machine dealer's shop in their little classroom. We each bring some handwork or even mending and gab. Then we go to a local place for lunch. Bees can be more organized. Sometimes a group like that is the committee for a raffle quilt or other fund raising project. Over the years I have learned as much from the Bees as I have from the bigger guild.
One thing you can count on with quilters there is aways fabric and food involved in some way. Good luck finding a group that fills your needs.
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