Old 12-30-2010, 07:53 AM
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Patti, you are sailing!!! You will be finished long before Valentines Day!!

I do have all my the blocks sewn together, and yes, I did move some around! In all my excitement I sewed the individual sashings and cornerstones to the bottom of row 13. Really?! :cry: Watch out for Row 13, we should just call it the good luck row, you must work harder for the finish on this row, right Patti? I need to sew the 3/4 inch (1/4 finished) sashing to all four sides after my big rip it off party on row 13.

I have a Jan block and two Patti blocks, all the rest are from the same fabric line. I am very HAPPY with the result. The tris are ready to sew and I have a mix of fabrics for the tweeners, but want to lay it out one more time before I finalize! The corners/kites will happen next year. :lol:

BTW those sashings tips, I think were posted around 2002...I printed several postings months ago, after several searches when I was planning sashings and cornerstones, etc....might be from the Dear Jane blog...
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