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Old 12-31-2010, 07:45 PM
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Originally Posted by omak
Actually <g> I am neither a nurse or a DR, but I do love medicine.
The advice came from MY chriopractor <g> ... the ice isn't as comfortable as the heat is (I think because we are old and cold and don't realize how cold we are until we get close to a heat source ... ANYWAY!
Last February, during a wrestling match with a calf, I experienced my first and only wrenched back, so badly that I couldn't walk without help. Couldn't turn over in bed. Couldn't get out of a chair without help. I have never in my life been so debilitated! (First time I had actually been able to empathize with back patients, too :oops: )
Hubby took me to his chiropractor (who practices low impact - - don't know the right word for it) and Dr Ross explained the heat/cold difference.
I had to figure it all out, but it helped that when hubby bought me a new van, he bought one with fanny heaters in the front seat.
I'm telling you! Those are MARVELOUS things in the early morning cold, but I had noticed that after heating up with the fanny heater and then traveling long distances, when I got out of the van, I could hardly walk ... so, when Dr Ross explained it to me, I put that together with my experiences, had my AH HA! moment and proceeded to spread "the gospel" <g>
I believe in giving people the best advice I have when it seems to be needed ... (that is what saved my life for so many years, and I try to pass it on) I have long ago given up being concerned about being considered a buttinsky <g> ... if I help someone by sharing what I have learned, that is great! <wave>
Ahhhh experience is the best educator! Thanks so much, I'm doing better already, who knew?! Why do they make all those 'heat patches' for pulled muscles?
I do remember my chiropractor telling me something along those lines many years ago, but my light bulb didn't blink until you brought it up! Thanks again!
PS wrestling calves? whew, brave lady!
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