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Old 11-08-2008, 12:55 PM
Jim's Gem
Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: Camarillo, California
Posts: 35,242

I don't know if this will help, but every month we have what we call "Soup & Salad". This is a time for new people visiting the church to come to a home of a member and have lunch and get to know other people. We have 2 teams that do this, so usually we offer it 2x per month (once per team) Depending on the weather we serve a variety of foods. It just so happens that it is at my house tomorrow. I am expecting about 50 people. We tend to draw a few more than others because my DH is one of the Pastors and we live across the street from the Church. We set up tables and shade tents in the back yard, so people get to sit down. Tomorrow we are serving. Vegetable Beef Soup, Split Pea Soup, Potato Cheese soup, home made hot from the over French Bread, Caesar Salad, Ambrosia (fruit) Salad, Potato Salad, Another green salad, and 4 different desserts. I figured since it is November we would have Soups but right now it is nearly 90 outside!!!! I am making the Veg Beef soup, Breads, Drinks and probably a green or Caesar salad. Will probably throw in some chips and salsa. I am going to pick a bunch of Lemons off my tree and have fresh squeezed Lemonaid. If it is this hot, I will not make coffee, just Ice Tea and Water.
My day today is Clean, clean, clean. We don't have a large house so it is good that there is no rain forcast or we would have to cancel, I can only handle about 20 inside the house.
Hope this is at least a little helpful. I do have about 7 or 8 other people bringing food!!!
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