Old 01-01-2011, 07:26 AM
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Originally Posted by Pins n' Ndls
Originally Posted by Lostn51
Originally Posted by cherrybsixty
I am confused, but, that's okay, I'm always that and a happy New Year to you and everyone in the shop. I did peek into the chat room but, it's a little crowded now and I did say hello to everyone. Might try it a little later when not sooo many are visiting there.
It is a little busy but fun none the less

I really don't know how to do "live chat". When I tried to go on it looks like words are written over other words. Maybe someone could explain how it works. Probably not difficult but I just don't get it. Am I the only one ?
It's like being on a party-line, if you are old enough to know anything about that.
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