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Old 01-01-2011, 11:31 AM
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Originally Posted by marmalade
I've really enjoyed reading this thread. So many of you ladies are very fortunate to have a husband who is actually helpful. Then there are those who have husbands who "try" and they do the job (but just not up to our particular standards), but that is okay - they are trying. Then there are husband's like the original poster - who ask "how do I do this" (is it because they are hoping we will get frustrated & do it ourselves *or* they just do not retain information - because it is probably the 25th time they have asked the same question???
But my big question is this ladies - my hubby retired 4 years ago and doesn't do housework. I have been unable to work for the last 15years because of health issues, but I have to do housework or it doesn't get done (which happens more often than not-at least he doesn't complain..) BUT - when do I get to retire??? I figure we are all still employed - doing housework! lol!
Hire a maid service for day or week and when he sees the bill he will probably start helping if he realizes how much there needs to be done to do to maintain a standard of cleanness that you won't do it all when he is able to do half of it.
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