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Old 08-18-2007, 09:00 AM
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Originally Posted by ShellyQ
:lol: you're welcome :mrgreen: So, (just tell me if I'm being too nosy here) what program do you use to draw half square triangles with just a few strokes on the key board and a few clicks with the mouse :lol:
that isn't at all nosey. now ... asking me what color my underwear is when i'm drawing them ... THAT would be nosey. :wink:
i use corel draw to make my HST templates. it's just as easy in powerpoint, and would be easy using any program that lets you draw basic shapes to create vector graphics and has a snap-to-grid feature. i've never tried a paint-type program to do it. i don't know whether it would be easy or difficult.

in fact, i'm having to go back to powerpoint to make them. corel draw doesn't work perfectly in a vista environment. not even the newest version. the grid and snap are all out of whack.

Originally Posted by ShellyQ
Am still on a steep learning curve with EQ5, it keeps making fatal errors and shuting down :shock: I swear it's EQ5 and not me :lol: I think I might be asking it to do things it,s not designed to do, I'm alergic to manuals :lol:
that isn't EQ5 or you. that's your computer. it could be a lot of things, but is most likely a lack of RAM (Random Access Memory). To find out how much memory you have, right-click on the "My Computer" icon and select "Properties". The information shown will include the speed of your processor and the amount of RAM, stated in MB. Anything over 1,000 MB is good. Anything under 512MB is not. In between is ... ok i guess, but you should get more.

1. Go through your computer and delete any DATA files you don't need. (don't delete anything you didn't create yourself.)
2. Run Disk Cleanup (Start; Programs; Accessories; System Tools; Disk Cleanup)
3. Defragment your hard drive Start; Programs; Accessories; System Tools; Defragment)

I put the step-by-step instructions so folks who have never done that before will also know how. it's something everybody should do to their computer at least once a month.

if you decide to get more memory, remember that RAM does not refer to the size of your hard drive. RAM is stored on strips of chips called SIMMS, and plugged into your mother board. if you don't know what kind to buy, you definitely want to consult a technician.

in the meantime, close all your other programs whenever you're working in EQ. if you still have problems, try uninstalling it, doing the disk-clean/defrag thing again, restarting the computer, and reinstalling EQ.

clear as mud?
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