Thread: Who Are You?
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Old 08-18-2007, 09:32 AM
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OMG! FVG~ Is there no way it was repairable!?!?
I learned to play on an OLD acoustic that my uncle made!!! The neck was shorter for some reason, and the strings were WAY up off the neck. Then, I worked and bought the Academy. My "friend"...( memories come of my old boyfriends.) had an electric I bought, then he bought it from me. It was kinda junky, so I didn't really care. My BFF had a new Ibanez that was metallic turquoise. Her parents bought it for her and lessons, and she still couldn't play it, so I kept it at my house when I didn't have my uncle's electric Hurricane. Now THAT was a nice guitar. So easy to cord!
My uncle (the music shop owner) is going to fix my Academy. The bridge is pulling up and making the strings really far up off the neck. It's an old guitair and was always hard to play, anyway.
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