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Old 01-03-2011, 11:13 AM
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Council Bluffs, IA
Posts: 349

Well I am at almost 6 months out(Cathy's day of leaving) now. And I have to say that as much as this Past Christmas and New Years and Thanksgiving seriously was not FUN! It was also a very interesting time as seems that I am in a new relationship with a widow from the website I joined back a few months ago. HA HA HA

Her name is Jill and she is as much like Cathy as she is different and her own unique person! Which I really like!! Do not want another Cathy!!! EVER! Not fair to either of them. While she can suture a wound closed, she is not a sewer in any way or shape! HA HA! She and Cathy would have been good friends I believe.

Jill is about 14 months out, from loosing her second husband to a cardiac failure from an aneurisym(sp??) repair that introduced a bacteria into his blood stream and a week later stopped his heart.

She has one little boy about about Adrian's age so they are somewhat good together! HA HA HA!!! Fight over the DAMN COMPUTER THOUGH!!! HA HA! She is also an animal doc.(vet.) and works in Des Moines, Iowa. And is EXACTLY TO THE DAY FOLKS! Two years older than me! Strange right there,

But we met through trying to set up a state/regional meeting for those of us on the website and it strangely took a different turn...and we met the first weekend of Dec. and when I looked into her eyes....I knew it was going to be something that would last a very long time! We have been together pretty much every weekend since! Either at her place in Central Iowa or here at the apartment in CB.

I knew this would come, and so far EVERYONE that matters to me at this point in life has been pretty supportive and this is good because I was very worried about her mom viewing this as me not "grieving long enough" and "forgetting Cathy" which I told her and everyone else...this would never happen!!!!!!

And as the Good Lord is my witness so long as I am able to remember things: Cathy will ALWAYS have a room at the inn in my heart! After all I am who I am today(which I question some days!) thanks to alot of Cathy's influence on me.

She truly did teach me so much! She made me BETTER! for the next gal I was to be with and also would be a mom to Adrian. And they get along very well by the way. A must of course. Adrian does still talk about Cathy and asks to go to her "new place" for a visit every now and then. Which I take him of course. He had to buy her a Christmas present this year and he made sure that we took it to her(have those pictures up on my FB account.) And we had a "nice" time delivering "Mommie's Present" as much as it hurt us to do this. I so hate going to a gravesite to give her things on important dates!

Again I hope that each and everyone of you here on the board has had a really great end of year and that you will have a very memorable and easy 2011!

Thanks again ya' all! Out of the ALL the groups I belong to Save for one man and his wife whom I have never met! This BBS and it members are the ONLY ONES TO DO ANYTHING TO MAKE US FEEL LIKE WE MEANT SOMETHING!!!!

It was so nice to see Cathy's face light up when she got her "gifts" from all of you on here, and if ever, and I mean this!

Any of you need something that I might be able to assist you with....ask me! I can be found through a few folks on here! USE them to find me! Short of a misdemeanor...I would do about anything to help one of you out of a rough spot if I was able too!!!

Be at peace in Word and Deed!
Arron (Cathy's Progressing first husband forever!)
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