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Old 01-03-2011, 08:06 PM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Freeport, Tx
Posts: 20

Take it from someone who thought that was just a hopeless cause for me. I've practiced and practiced, told myself how impossible this is, put it up. Practiced and practiced, impossible and put it up. I do believe I'm finally showing some improvement. A must for me is gloves. The machingers worked for me so that's all I've tried. Everyone has a different technique-what works for one doesn't work for all. A large flat surface is a sure must. I didn't have a sewing table with a drop down ( I do have a killer sewing room--no fancy table) so my husband took a table (foldup like you get at Lowes or Wal Mart) and cut a hole in it with a shelf under it. Works great. A free motion foot (darning foot) is a must. Practice practice at your speed-not wide open but not turtle slow) to get an even stitch. I make dozen(s) of practice pads about 12x12 and go at it. If you start getting upset-stop and go back later. If I can do it-you surely can.
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