Old 01-04-2011, 07:45 AM
Join Date: Jun 2010
Location: Amo, Indiana
Posts: 84

Originally Posted by Holice
I don't agree with some of the posts here. I do not believe we should accept sloppy work just because a national magazine shows a picture. Rather, write the magazine and tell them they should pay attention to the workmanship shown in their illustrations. I did this recently with a book company about the picture on the cover of one of their books. They explained it away with something like "cropping the picture caused the problem"
Well I don't accept that. Write the magazine and tell them we expect better work. It doesn't have to be outstanding but should be good without obvious sloppiness.

I didn't say I was accepting sloppy work. I said I'm not beating myself up if something I do is not exactly perfect. Seeing a "flaw" in a magazine by an "expert" made me feel a little better about my work and not stress out so much over it.
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