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Old 01-04-2011, 12:11 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: May 2008
Location: Columbus, Ohio
Posts: 521

My son is in hock to his eyeballs, and unfortunately I'm cosigned on half :| His degree is in mech engineering from a very good engineering school (hence the in hock part!) He co-op'ed for a total of 2 or so years. That company is not hiring now..not even co-op kids. And there were jobs to be had when we started this adventure. (the school he went to boasted a 98% employment rate for grads. Now he's done, there are no jobs. He is articulate, shows up to any interview in a suit looking sharp and clean (and I mean any..right now he's temp part time plowing snow at the airport!!) What makes me really nuts is that hardly any company actually does any recruiting other than on-line. How impersonal is that? You never get a name to respond to, you can't check back with know how we were taught to send a note to say thanks for reviewing my resume have you made any decisions yet? Now a days you just send your info off into the black box and hope something comes back, find yourself a head hunter to find you a job, or hope somebody picks your resume up off of monster jobs!! (Is there really that much insurance to sell??? )I'm sure glad I'm not looking for work these days (Thank God!)

I'd be hard pressed to say the education was worth the expense or time. And I don't think many jobs will come back..they're all going overseas where production is cheap and unregulated. But I keep hoping..otherwise what little I have will be taken by the student loan people :?
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