Old 01-04-2011, 04:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Holice
I don't agree with some of the posts here. I do not believe we should accept sloppy work just because a national magazine shows a picture. Rather, write the magazine and tell them they should pay attention to the workmanship shown in their illustrations. I did this recently with a book company about the picture on the cover of one of their books. They explained it away with something like "cropping the picture caused the problem"
Well I don't accept that. Write the magazine and tell them we expect better work. It doesn't have to be outstanding but should be good without obvious sloppiness.
I agree if someone is teaching or showing quilts in a national contest or in a magazine - that is to be expected.As too, if you show your quilts, the criticism is constructive and should improve the workmanship as we take heed. However, if the fear of making mistakes holds us back, then it is not so good. We all try for a happy result, I suppose and I am definitely working on my bindings since I saw that episode on Quilter's Cafe.
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