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Old 01-05-2011, 05:27 PM
patriciaponder's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: Alabama - Cullman County
Posts: 94

Originally Posted by jayelee
Yes I get my patterns online and in many magazines but I think what you are asking is if some of us male our patterns at home without buying the special papers. Yes we do from what I can tell many of us print them out ourselves on copy paper I buy a pack of copy paper at Walmart and print my patterns out and use them all of the time It is probably a no no but it works and I am more apt to have copy paper than foundation paper around when I need it
I do the same as you and don't have bad results. Also, you can take the thread from your needle and stitch the lines on blank paper and not waste your printer ink. I stitch through several papers at the same time. This way you just need one or two copies printed and it's turned out to be a real savings to me!
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