Old 01-06-2011, 05:07 AM
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Originally Posted by Sweetness
careful...i was born & raised in upstate NY, I still go home & now i know where you live *buhahahawabaha*...i actually just cancelled my flight that was suppose to leave tomorrow for a 11 days because I'm still sick.
awww Lori I am sorry to hear you're sick :-( I hope you feel better soon and can visit your friends and family in ny like you planned (and you don't scare me-come on over anytime lol

Originally Posted by Karen
Originally Posted by Sweetness
Originally Posted by Karen
Originally Posted by Sweetness
Originally Posted by Karen
Im on the Boomerang Buddies! Can't hardly wait to get it all toether and in the mail! Luv getting squishes!

THANKS so much April for hosting!
Plus you like this group better because they talk more :lol:
LOL! Sweetness! They do talk more than our RR group!
LOL...this group must have a better hostess :p

Don't go there...you are a good hostess too! I jusst really like to read every page...sides I stay on here most all of the day.
No no no no such thing as a better hostess-we just have more people (and I tend to be a chatterbox soooo)

Originally Posted by bookworm
It took me a couple tries but I managed to get all my labels printed up :) Thank you sooo much
So glad it worked for you and you are more than welcome :-)

Originally Posted by oatw13
Originally Posted by Jennifer22206
I'm a Bestie too! I have 10 of my squishies in the mail tomorrow (6 Jan!) I'm so excited!

Questions again...
Should there be any fabric left over, is it proper to return it to the person who sent it?

If I have a lot left, is it wrong or unacceptable to make more than one block for a person? <- not saying I'll be able to do that for everyone, but I was wondering if it was allowed
Traditionally, if someone wants their leftover fabric returned, we return it. They will let us know either here or they will include a note. Otherwise, it is yours to keep. If you want to return it anyway, feel free. lol I, for one, do not want or expect any of my leftovers back, but I will gladly return those of others as long as I know. :)

As for 2 blocks, yes, you may send 2, but you are only committed to one and we each only expect one in return. Anything else is a lovely bonus, but again, not required.

April, please correct me if you can state this better. :)
No need for correction you got it completely right and thank you so much for helping me out :-)

Originally Posted by Sweetness

lol...I'd go nuts if I had to keep up with what April has too, I don't know how she does it.
Hey who does what? What does she do? No one said I wasn't nuts lmao

Originally Posted by Sweetness
Okay...leakus just posted her quilt from group 3.0 and it's taking me EVERYTHING I have not to change my fabric. I LOVE purple and her quilt is gorgeous!

I think I just found my focus for 5.0 and here I was thinking the other day when someone posted that they knew what they were doing for 5.0, I was like are you serious? I can't even decide on this one. WAY too addicting...lol
I told everyone to be careful as yes this swap is VERY addicting....welcome to the club you have officially been bitten by the boomerang bug :-D

Originally Posted by OdessaQuilts

April, you are waaaaaayyyy too funny! I already miss being in this swap! :(

WE MISS YOU TOO!!! But we know you will be back for 5.0 and cheering us on from the sidelines :-)

Originally Posted by bibliostone

Do you have the link for Leakus's quilt picture? I looked under the boom3 thread and under pictures, but could not find it. I also loved the purple fabric that she used.
Yes it is here and it is a beauty!!! http://www.quiltingboard.com/t-87971-1.htm

Originally Posted by Obsessed
Hello Besties!

I am sending 11 little squishies off to their foster homes this morning - please take good care of my babies! The rest of my squishies will be out by the weekend...

I am SOOOOO excited to get my first squishie in the mail and get started!
ohhhh babies to watch over are so much fun-i love when they chatter amongst each other and when they cry out for certain fabrics to be added to them!!

I LOVE the excitement of this swap :-D
Originally Posted by quiltlin
Was just wondering if we might have two different topics from this swap instead of just Boomerang 4. Since we have two groups there are going to be a lot of posts and I know for me it would certainly be a lot easier for two different topics.
It is funny you said this because I was going to ask everyone today what they thought. We have never had two groups so this is new territory for us Boomers. I think two threads would be fine and no harder for me to handle (I just don't want anyone to miss any beautiful blocks so we will have to look at both :-)) What say the masses?

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