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Old 01-06-2011, 06:01 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Athens, Georgia
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In Atlanta, some groups meet monthly but I rarely go. It always interferes with where my kids need to be.
They show off quilts at all stages and since some of them have known each other a long time, they have personal discussions as well. One woman admitted once she just liked to hear everyone ooh and ahh!
Some of the work I've seen is impressive -- and intimidating. I'm relatively new to this, don't have much time to quilt and often do not have things to share. And I have no intention of doing machine quilting to sell or whatever.

They also go on a retreat twice a year. They have Saturday (and mid-week) stitch-ins where they gather at a shop and sit and quilt, for a space fee, share ideas, show work in progress and get advice.

One thing I really liked was each woman, after a certain time in the group, gets picked and everyone makes a square for them, based on what they would like. Hence the crazy quilt square I made for one of the women (shown with my info at left). I made a couple others that I do not have photos of, but I enjoyed that small task a lot.

Also, some groups meet with other groups occasionally and have challenges they try to accomplish before the next joint meeting.

I watched a video yesterday on quilting, recommended by someone on this list, and learned A LOT, which is what I was hoping for: More sharing of knowledge and ideas and differences of opinion and tastes.

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