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Old 01-06-2011, 11:09 AM
Terry M
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Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Colorado Springs
Posts: 9

I went to a show and saw a Dmo on this pen and fortunatly the person in front of me bought the last one they had. The next day I bought one from a office store and read the directions which said to make it reappear just put it in the freezer at 15 degrees and it will reappear. So I experimented on a swatch.
When I put it in the freezer it only took a couple minutes to reappear. So I thought What if I put it in the Refrigerator at about 40 degrees. It took about 5 minutes and it started to reapear.
I don't think I want to risk it on a quilt because I take my quilts places to show them off and it might be cold outside or I leave it in the car overnight and they would reappear. Also down the road if I were to give one of my Quilts to someone and this happens how are they to know how to fix it?
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