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Old 01-07-2011, 04:00 PM
denise d
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Location: from Fl currently in Indiana
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I love reading this thread.

My parents live in FL, so the distance is too great, but when we visit... they love it. I actually get to shower in peace and go to the grocery with out children! :)

My husband's family is 4 hours away, but have never sat the kids. His mom often offers, but then finds a way to not follow through. His dad is good for sending expensive gifts, but does not offer time.

For us (hubby and I), we hope that as the kids get older there is more interest, but it is looking doubtful.

I commend all of you grands and great grands out there will to and wanting to help out. The time you spend is precious. I still cherish the time I had with my grandmother!
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