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Old 01-07-2011, 06:24 PM
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Missouri
Posts: 12

We have 13 grandchildren that all live away and we only saw them in the summer when they were here. I was a teacher, so that was the best time for them to visit, when we were all out of school. Two and a half years ago our youngest daughter adopted the most wonderful baby girl. She and I had a quilting business, but it really didn't give her the time or quite the income she needed. We decided she should go back to nursing and we would take care of the baby. Never a regret. I dont get as much quilting or embroidering done as before, but who cares! We are enjoying being with her so much. She learns fast and is the most fun person to be around we know. How many two year olds can "drive" a Pfaff CV? I have one that can. Since she was about 15 months old she sat on my lap, pushed go, stop, and cut. She lives to go to the barn and feed the horses and kitties. We can't mix grain without her. She plays with the dogs. We go on long science and nature walks down and old road that runs along our property, gather acorns, pinecones, leaves and other great things, and throw stones in the creek. We write, paint, tell stories, have picnics, sometimes in a tent in the living room. Thinking about the day she goes to preschool makes me want to cry. Enjoy every minute. Time goes by too fast.
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