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Old 01-07-2011, 08:44 PM
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Thank you all for these ideas.
I was shocked to hear that the one pattern called for "LOTS" of fabric. I wouldn't buy that pattern for sure.
I noticed that many patterns figure out how much fabric you need then add 1/4 to 1/3 more to allow for mistakes, etc. This really bothers me when I purchase the fabric needed then find that I have a huge amount left. One pattern I bought called for 4-1/2 yards for backing (lap size) when what I needed was 3-1/2... at $10 yard, I didn't appreciate that. It was a flannel so it's not something I can just add to my stash and use up later.

Do you like amounts to be more exact or do you like a little wiggle room? I would think adding an 1/8 wouldn't be so bad but if you add that to every fabric called for.. and sometimes it's many, many fabrics.. well, that just adds to the final cost. But I suppose if someone made an error in cutting and the fabric was no longer available, then it would be a good thing....
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