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Old 01-07-2011, 10:38 PM
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Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Some where in way out West Texas
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Jan I like your idea. Maybe we should all keep a little box by our computers or sewing machines and when we start to put ourselves down for something we've done, even just thinking about it, then we need to put a nickel or quarter in the box and empty it at the end of the year and see if we have enough money to buy something for our quilting hobby.
When I was teaching school, I always told my students to never be afraid to ask a question because that was the way they learned about something they didn't know. Also that just because some seemed to know didn't mean everyone else did, and there would always be those who pretended to know or acted like they did, because they were afraid they would be laughed at or something for asking. There would always be others in the class that would want to know the answer to the same question. My rule in class was always WE DON'T EVER laugh at someone asking a question. We only laugh at something funny and asking a question for knowledge and information isn't something funny.
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