Old 01-07-2011, 11:01 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 303

Originally Posted by kathidahl
I think I will stop reading this thread. Too many fabriholics feeling guilty and put upon by simple (or even in some cases not so simple) conversation about their purchase. When I was selling fabric, I enjoyed asking what the purchase was going to be used for...just conversation and showing interest in my customer. I observe that I would not like to be cutting fabric for some of the perfect, private people on this board. I imagine many would complain if the clerk waited on them with a straight face and wordlessly. I am done with this thread, it is bringing me down.
I'm sorry the thread brought you down. I don't mind people asking me what I'm going to do with my purchases. I try to answer if I have an idea. If I don't, I make a joke out of my need to collect fabric. The thing that worried me about the lady mentioned is that she seemed to be aggressive about publicly humilating another shopper. That bothered me because ultimately, I like fabric and fabric stores and the people who work and shop there. I enjoy going and looking and talking. It makes me so happy that I hate it when someone tries to embarass me and that was the way I took the situation. I hope you are okay.
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