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Old 01-09-2011, 10:30 AM
Join Date: Oct 2009
Location: Bikini Bottom
Posts: 5,652

Originally Posted by lindagor
I've geared up for the storm here in the Mississippi Delta. We're supposed to get up to 8"!!!! WOOHOO!!!! I'm originally from Wisconsin and miss snow so as you can probably tell I'm excited. The only thing I'm worried about is the ice though. I can see myself keeping warm working in my sewing room while the storm rages, but not without power!
Thats why the only machines I use are treadle powered!! I cant tell you how many times we have not had electricity and I was still ginning away!! It is already getting bad below us and its coming from the south so when it gets here it will be pretty knarly. They have upped the amount of snow to 7"+ with potentially 12" to 14" in certain parts of the county. Every year about this time we get 8'+ and a day later the roads are clear as a bell, but this time we are at the high for the entire week. So we might be stuck here a little longer than we think.

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